APRSD Configure

Configure APRSD

Once APRSD is installed You will need to configure the config file for running.

Generate config file

If you have never run the server, running it the first time will generate a sample config file in the default location of ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml

└─[$] -> aprsd server
 Load config
 /home/aprsd/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml is missing, creating config file
 Default config file created at /home/aprsd/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml.  Please edit with your settings.

You can see the sample config file output

Sample config file

└─[$] -> cat ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml
  host: rotate.aprs.net
  logfile: /tmp/arsd.log
  login: someusername
  password: somepassword
  port: 14580
  - aprsd.plugins.email.EmailPlugin
  - aprsd.plugins.fortune.FortunePlugin
  - aprsd.plugins.location.LocationPlugin
  - aprsd.plugins.ping.PingPlugin
  - aprsd.plugins.query.QueryPlugin
  - aprsd.plugins.time.TimePlugin
  - aprsd.plugins.weather.WeatherPlugin
  - aprsd.plugins.version.VersionPlugin
  plugin_dir: ~/.config/aprsd/plugins
  callsign: KFART
  host: imap.gmail.com
  login: imapuser
  password: something here too
  port: 993
  use_ssl: true
  aa: 5551239999@vtext.com
  cl: craiglamparter@somedomain.org
  wb: 555309@vtext.com
  host: imap.gmail.com
  login: something
  password: some lame password
  port: 465
  use_ssl: false

Note, You must edit the config file and change the ham callsign to your legal FCC HAM callsign, or aprsd server will not start.