APRSD installation

Install info in a nutshell

Pythons: Python 3.6 or later

Operating systems: Linux, OSX, Unix

Installer Requirements: setuptools

License: Apache license

git repository: https://github.com/craigerl/aprsd

Installation with pip

Use the following command:

pip install aprsd

It is fine to install aprsd itself into a virtualenv environment.

Install from clone

Consult the GitHub page how to clone the git repository:

and then install in your environment with something like:

$ cd <path/to/clone>
$ pip install .

or install it editable if you want code changes to propagate automatically:

$ cd <path/to/clone>
$ pip install --editable .

so that you can do changes and submit patches.

Install for development

For developers you should clone the repo from github, then use the Makefile

$ cd <path/to/clone>
$ make

This creates a virtualenv directory, install all the requirements for development as well as aprsd in editable mode. It will install all of the pre-commit git hooks required to test prior to committing code.